“Animarium, Parts I-IV,” Revisited

Hola compadres! Having been almost a year since I began to write my pet project, “Animarium,” I was feeling a little nostalgic, and wanted to repost the story again as I edit it. This book was SO MUCH FUN to write, even though I was going through one of the hardest periods of my lifeContinue reading ““Animarium, Parts I-IV,” Revisited”

“The Second Hellrider”

Cloaked in a cape made of thick red velvet, the faceless rider’s crimson Arabian almost glided over the cracked streets in the stone city where the plebeians cried aloud about their horrific circumstances. The Domina silently sneered and continued her plight through the burning city. Her message of war would be delivered with gusto andContinue reading ““The Second Hellrider””

The First Hellrider

The archer came in the dead of night and wept as she passed every place she ever knew, realizing that in less than a year, it would all become ashes and memory of an ancient time passed; fossils and artifacts for future discovery. Her features were unclear, but the heavy teardrops rolling down her paleContinue reading “The First Hellrider”

DEVELOPING STORY – Åutumn Lee and the Goblet of Pyrat Rum XO Reserve

It was June 20, 2021, at just 0042 hours, when a facsimile transmission was received by an anonymous informant which contained alarming information about a possible sighting, and the most credible one to date, of Åutumn Lee. For reference, please click this link: https://melissastarrblog.wordpress.com/2021/06/17/the-legend-of-autumn-lee/ Absent a cover page, 10 pages of the words MILEY CYRUSContinue reading “DEVELOPING STORY – Åutumn Lee and the Goblet of Pyrat Rum XO Reserve”

There’s Always a 2 – Blog Series Part I

History isn’t made by unlikely men; history is made by people who are exactly who you would expect to be someone who would change the world. In every situation, it seems, it is the one you would least expect, but are the most likely when you step back and look a bit more closely. So, who was it?

Kim V. Poetry

Poetry for the Broken-hearted

Ailish Sinclair

Stories and photos from Scotland


Reading Into Our Past...

. . .

love each other like you are the lyric to their music

Penelope Burns

Write | Blog | Create | Earn

Inner Peace

True wealth is the wealth of the soul

Stephen Page

Psithurism - the sound of wind in the trees and rustling of leaves. Stephen Page is the author of 4 books.

Crazy Randoms

From the brain of Novyl.

All About Life

Ideas and musings from a middle-aged 20 something

Lisa Keeble - Author

This is just the beginning...

Holly Madison's Blog

Holly Madison's Official Blog


Explore ideas worth spreading

Helen Glynn Jones

Author. Blogger. Believer in everyday magic.


Author of Paranormal Suspense

Olufunke Kolapo

Healing • Inspiring • Awakening • Fulfilling •